May 31, 2008

  • Beautiful Day, Beautiful World

    What a beautiful day! The the sun is sunny and the lake is shimmering like a drag queen’s sequined dress. Chicago’s plain-faced midwestern sky is uniformly blue, with big white fluffy clouds. Its the kind of sky that says: “I am nice!”

    I’m so happy that this day is grand; I woke in a panic from a strange dream, unsure of where I was. At first, I thought I was in Michigan, visiting family. But as it dawned on me that I was not, I couldn’t quite figure out where I might be if not there. Plus, the kitten dropped a furry toy mouse in the hollow of my clavicle in the night, which added to the confusion: I also thought I was covered in rodents.

    But once I got up and went running, things got markedly better. I was happy to be outside, happy to be in my city. Totting along the sweaty homestrech of my 5 mile route, I decided: I would buy a bike today.

    I’ve never bought a bike before. I’d been using my mom’s old bike forever. Her old bike is a huge, heavy thing; its one of the first mountain bikes ever made for women. I call it The Hulk. It currently lives in Michigan, in my paternal grandma’s corn silo. I wanted to keep The Hulk there; she a GREAT bike, but I’ve always thought it would be nice to have a bike while in Michigan.

    Anyhow, riding to work is so easy for me in Chicago; the museum is flush against the lake-shore path. I can bike to work faster than it takes me on the subway. And without the threat of passing out on the crowded subway cars! Its a bargain. Plus, public transit has gone up to $2 a ride and will only continue to go up with the cost of fuel skyrocketing.

    Going through the Chicago Reader this morning, I found an ad for The Village Cycle Center’s bike clearance sale this weekend. To hell with uncovering a suitable Craigslist bike! If I’m going to use my bike for my primary mode of transport, I deserve a new bike! So a new bike I got.

    My new bike is named Mary Shelley and is a hot orange 07 Trek 820. Mary has special little anti-theft pins on it that make it impossible to steal the tires and seat. I also got a U-lock for her frame, a big basket on the front (I usually put my work outfits in a basket and change once I get to work and have a sponge bath with baby wipes), and a good helmet (its adjustable and comfy and after I tried it on I knew I could never settle for the foam chunk that I’d been using ever again).

    In total, Mary Shelley and all her gear will have paid for itself after 2 months of riding. That’s 2 months of public transit riding in exchange for a bike with all the bells and whistles that I’ve ever needed! Totally worth the splurge.  

    This afternoon, I’m in Tweet with a pint, checking up on Life2.0 (that’s code for email and blogging). I love Tweet. After lunch, Tweet becomes a gay bar (for boys and girrrlz) called Big Chicks. So technically, I’m at Big Chicks. Everyone here is SO FRIENDLY. Old black and white movies play are playing on the TVs (rodeo was on before the movies) and Walking on Sunshine is playing. People dance and sing along, uninhibited and free. I feel so lucky that this place is my neighborhood bar. 

    Soon I’m heading in for dinner. If I’m good, I’ll work more on my story. If I’m bad, I’ll watch a movie with Squee (I think she went to Blockbuster this afternoon). Either way, I’ll get an early night. Tomorrow will be a BUSY day at work; its opening weekend for the Jeff Koons show. And the sexually explicit material warning is going to be a fun one to handle complaints from. Explicit indeed! But that’s what happens when you marry an Italian porn star and make MASSIVE photo-realistic oil paintings of your sex life. Ha!

    Which reminds me: the members’ opening night party last night for the Koons show was a blast. My friend Nick and I both loved the show and ate and drank and socialized and were merry. It felt so good to be back in the museum at an opening night party. I felt like my life was back, for real.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Have you, my dear reader, any fun weekend plans?

    Be well!

Comments (4)

  • Ooh, a new bike!  Named Mary Shelley!  Very cool.My weekend plans – I’m doing my first ever half marathon tomorrow.  We’ll see how this goes.  I have no delusions that I’ll run the whole thing.  I’m just going to do my best.

  • I love that even kitty is welcoming you back with night time presents! A good sign. Just thanking god it was a toy. (I think some feral bloke is leaving little feathery gifts of death on my back porch for my kitties.)Your bike not only has a great name but it is killer. Way to go and smart purchase indeed. The new Wired’s cover article is about taking real steps to stop the global climate destablization and living urban and biking are touted big time. They also say crank the AC but not the heat in winter. But I ramble. Koons. Sweet. He has an iGoogle theme too. I haven’t ried it but I will just to peek.Your pub does sound colorful and welcoming. So glad you have a spot to chill and where the people are friendly. The nightmare of the laundry in NYC fades in comparison.I am so glad you are back there. Feeling the way you do will help you get through the coming challenges and any day to day ordinary stuff that can bunch the undies. May your spirits be fully raised and whatever the evening holds it will be good.My weekend so far involved taking tickets at graduation, meeting with the ex and laying down some gravity on him, trying to not stress about a potentially explosive meeting with parents, riding and writing.  Oh yes and Miyazaki’s Spirited Away. What an excellent film. I would say it is better than Alice in Wonderland. I just finished so it has to soak in more but wow. You sound awesome!

  • Love this upbeat post! It’s so nice to see your words smiling again.That is a great looking bike. Sure wish I could ride to work, but I am too far way – and not strong enough to handle the change in elevation between home in the foothills and work in the valley. Well, I could bet to work, but coming home would be a bitch.Checked out Koons – this is going to be a fun exhibit. Exhibiting an exhibitionist – is the museum showing any of the glass Kama Sutra pieces?Off now to help my daughter move into the dorm for her summer job in an undergraduate research program.

  • oh my God big chicks!!! lol my bff used to live down the block from there!  anywho, yay for your new bike!  I would bike from my house to school,  but I think I would die.  besides my bike is a cruiser, one speed and I would probably have to leave like two to three hours to earlier to get to school on time, lol.

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